
The arrest of Pavel Durov

A lot of information is circulating these hours about the arrest of the founder of the messaging service Telegram: Pavel Durov. Not all this information is correct, let’s try to

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The point on health data breaches

In Italy, there is a major problem in restoring health services following a computer incident, and it matters little whether the incident is caused by negligence or malicious intent. In

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Technology and energy consumption

We are constantly talking about technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence, but we also have to assess the energy consumption and pollution related to their deployment. Let us try to get into the numbers with the aim of understanding the real importance of these technologies but also the heavy impact they have on the environment and available resources. We must use them wisely!

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Data Breach: Sella Bank

It has now been a few days since the Banca Sella data breach, and it is time to make a few remarks about what happened, outside of any controversy but

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Artificial intelligence and healthcare

On 12 October 2023, the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati published a document entitled ‘Decalogo per la realizzazione di servizi sanitari nazionali attraverso sistemi di Intelligenza Artificiale’. This is

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Algorithmic discrimination

Staying close to artificial intelligence, it is necessary to address a topic dear to jurists and humanists alike: the principle of discrimination applied to technology and, specifically, to algorithms.

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Data breach: Postel SpA

On 15 August 2023, the Medusa Group published a ransom note on its website demanding payment of $500,000 from Postel SpA for not publishing the data. At the time of

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