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First of all thank you for visiting the English version of the website The site has over 470 articles that deal with cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, digitization. Translating all the material takes a lot of time and for this reason not all the content has been translated into other languages. It is a gradual process that aims to safeguard quality and costs. If an article of interest has not yet been translated, please be patient or, in the meantime, use one of the online translators.
Thank you for your patience and trust.
Edoardo Limone

The importance of imperfection in the digital age
In recent years, a current has emerged against the purification process resulting from audio/video digitisation. It is an argument that music and film enthusiasts are familiar with, and it has

Segregation of functions in risk management
The GDPR has given clear rules for the correct handling of information, including through the adoption of specific organisational measures. There are some that are closely related to the technical

Environmental risk in the ICT context
In the landscape of cyber risks, it is correct to make appropriate distinctions because risk classification and risk management is one of the most interesting topics to investigate. Among the

Critical Security Controls: Incident Management
CSC control number 17 deals with‘Incident Management and Response‘ and is a very topical subject because, starting from the assumption that nobody is invulnerable to an IT incident, one of

Transhumanism: the relationship between technology and man
With the development of artificial intelligence, the term transhumanism has come up again. We try to understand what it is, what implications it has for society and, above all, how

Critical Security Controls: Training and Skills
Control 14 of CSCs is based on ‘Security Awareness and Competence Training’, an undoubtedly important but also surprising topic to find within documents of this type. Let us delve into

Critical Security Controls: Data Recovery
CSCs pay special attention to data recovery. Let us address this topic and analyse it in the light of current risks.

Artificial Intelligence and Postmodern Society
We continue to talk about Artificial Intelligence in every field, but it is also important to understand the social context in which this technology is set.

Critical Security Controls: Malware Defence
The journey through Critical Security Control, which began with the presentation, continues with one of the most interesting topics: defence against network threats.

Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence
We continue to use the term artificial intelligence to describe a discipline that currently has very little in common with the meaning of the word intelligence. Let us delve deeper

Critical Security Controls 8: presentation
Critical Security Controls are an essential resource for anyone wishing to approach cybersecurity at the enterprise level and are the basis of AgID Circular 2/2017. Few people are familiar with

Artificial Intelligence and Automata
A commonplace is to associate artificial intelligence with automata, with what are commonly referred to as robots. In this article, some thoughts on this issue will be expressed.

Artificial Intelligence: Technocracy, ecology and the future
There is an interesting text by Emanuele Severino, now certainly marked by time but equally stimulating, entitled ‘The Decline of Capitalism’, published by BUR, ISBN: 9788817018739. The text was revised

Data breach: Westpole S.p.A.
What happened to Westpole S.p.A. Let’s try to summarise the events, but above all, let’s try to better understand who Westpole S.p.A. is.

Artificial intelligence and the evolution of work
The belief that artificial intelligence will cause a retraining of labour is often misplaced. This is due to a lack of consideration of the process behind the revolution in the

Artificial intelligence and healthcare
On 12 October 2023, the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati published a document entitled ‘Decalogo per la realizzazione di servizi sanitari nazionali attraverso sistemi di Intelligenza Artificiale’. This is

Algorithmic discrimination
Staying close to artificial intelligence, it is necessary to address a topic dear to jurists and humanists alike: the principle of discrimination applied to technology and, specifically, to algorithms.

Between artificial being and human being
The ongoing debates on the horizon of artificial intelligence are highlighting one particular point more than in the past: anthropocentrism has been challenged by a human solution, how to dissolve

Data breach: Order of Psychologists of Lombardy
On 10 October 2023, the NoEscape collective claimed an attack against the Order of Psychologists of Lombardy. The attack threatened to expose particular category data related to the Order’s activities.

Data breach: Metronotte Piacenza S.r.l.
In May 2023, there was a data breach that few noticed: the one against the data of Metronotte Piacenza, a private security company. On the surface, this attack was less

Artificial intelligence in the relationship between science and the humanities
The debate on artificial intelligence has distant roots: the gestation of artificial intelligence is traced back to a time window between 1943 and 1955 and, from the very beginning, the

Data breach: Postel SpA
On 15 August 2023, the Medusa Group published a ransom note on its website demanding payment of $500,000 from Postel SpA for not publishing the data. At the time of

Data breach: focus on recovery
There have been so many attacks on the Italian public administration and there will continue to be more: the surprise effect should no longer exist and should give way to

I.A. Risks: the role of China and the United States
It is now well known that artificial intelligence exposes society to risks and represents a potential danger. Leading international entrepreneurs, especially those working in the field of machine learning, have